Rumor has it Simon has been in discussion with loopy Paula Abdul to be on his show he is bring to the US "X-Factor". As we reported last week Simon has confirmed that he has will be leaving American Idol after this season. Simon has agreed to a deal with American broadcaster Fox to launch the entertainment show "X-Factor" in the US next year. hmmmm why do I think that Simon & Paula may have had this planned all the time. She got a lot of publicity when she left American Idol and now all of a sudden she may be on Simon’s show. hmmmmm smells like a publicity stunt to get people more interested in X-Factor. To be honest Paula and Simon have a lot of chemistry together and I am sure if she does go to "X-Factor" a lot of people will watch the show. If I were American Idol I would be worried – the show without the both of them will have a difficult time competing again "X-Factor".