A Day In The Real Life Of Lindsay Lohan Shows Her Degnerate Tendencies

Lindsay Lohan‘s lifestyle was addressed by Plum Miami writer Jacquelynn D. Powers in a magazine story titled “The Long Goodbye.”  As a reporter, Powers was promised a photo shoot and interview, shadowed Lohan for a few days prior to Lindsay beginning her house arrest sentence earlier this summer.

What Powers described what she saw as Lohan’s Jekyl and Hyde type personality – one minute a charming, down-to-earth innocent and then the next a party prowling dilettante.  Powers writes: “In the chauffeured Lincoln Navigator, it was all about puffing Parliament Lights and Miami chitchat with her entourage. Lindsay traveled with a revolving pack of pseudo-chaperones, whose most responsible member was her 17-year-old sister, Aliana.”

“As we pulled up to the Fontainebleau, a bright-orange parking cone was blocking the entrance, not accustomed to waiting, apparently, she lowered the car’s window and shouted, ‘Move that cone. I’m Lindsay Lohan.’ And it was done.”

When Lindsay wasn’t looking for drama, Powers wrote, she was busy destroying herself.

“Saturday was another night…and all that implies. Sunday was an all-day party in the penthouse and on the beach. When I arrived at The Raleigh at 7 p.m. to conduct my interview, even her handlers were incoherent.”

This all sounds like vintage Lindsay Lohan.

Dr. Jody Overland:
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