Airplane Bound Bobby Brown Boozehound Drunk As A Skunk

Bobby Brown doesn’t know how to fly straight – and according to an eyewitness, he was barely allowed to board an American Airlines as a consequence.

Bobby was traveling with his wife Alicia Etheridge and son Cassius, but became so intoxicated before boarding he almost wasn’t allowed onto his flight.

Radaronline has more details:

“It was obvious in the terminal that he’d been drinking a lot. He was staggering and several of his family members had to hold him up in order to board the flight,” – this from a non-related fellow passenger named Brian Brown.

“Security had to check his sobriety and kept him at the jet bridge entrance until finally letting him board.”

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According to passengers on the flight Bobby spent most of the trip passed out unconscious in his seat.  Bobby has struggle with substance abuse for many years and recently when his former wife Whitney Houston checked into out-patient rehab he said he was afraid for her.  From all of this it  seems like Bobby should be attending rehab with her!

Image credit to WENN

Dr. Jody Overland:
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