If you missed last night’s recap – Episode 2, click here. Our recap this week is brought to you by Rosie at Fit Fab Celeb.
Episode 3: Tonight the auditions take us to Texas and the first act of the day is the Rhinestone Ropers; they begin with some impressive knife throwing , gun shooting, blade throwing, OMG. Howie and Pierce loved it. Sharon got excited about the serious knives! Three yes votes, they are going to Vegas.
Other acts making it through; Singers and twins – Mona Lisa, Juggler – Charles Peachock and Dance Troupe – The Perfect Angels.
19 year old, Daniel Joseph Baker, singer and piano player singing Lady Gaga Bad Romance. Sharon said the performance was great and she thinks she loves him! Howie loved it, a lot of fierceness. Pierce said he was a strange one, but oddly quite liked him. Three yes votes, he’s off to Vegas.
50 year old Jay Maynard, the Tron Man (wearing an indecent leotard that showed off the family jewels a little too much – creepy). The audience boos and all three judges give him the X buzzers.
The Sandou Trio on a Russian bar. Ok, there are two guys and toss the girl up about 30 feet in the air – WOW. The audience loved it. Sharon said she can’t wait to see what they have in their back pocket. Howie said there are no words to describe it and Pierce said it was one of the most high risks acts he has ever seen. They are off to Vegas with three yes votes.
Here’s some acts that didn’t make it through; Dance group – Status B.L.A.C.K, Johnny Di Domenico (preteding to be Howie) and an Asian James Brown.
22-year old, singer Dani Shay (looking amazingly like Justin Bieber) doing a parody of Justin Bieber. This girl is good, but I found she kind of copied Taylor Swift in the way she sang. Howie called her truly amazing and talented. Pierce loved the humor. Sharon loved the way she lit up the stage, three yes votes and on to Vegas.
6 year old, dancer Tanner Edwards. This boy is so cute, he looks into the camera and tells his girlfriend that he loves her and he’s a good dancer too. Pierce said he had great moves, great talent. Sharon called him the cutest thing she’s seen this year. Howie is the first to send him to Vegas, followed by the other two judges. The first pre-schooler going to Vegas!
Darren Taylor aka Professor Splash who will dive 26 feet into 12 inches of water and he does it… The judges and the audience are stunned and he gets three yes votes to Vegas. This is the end of the Houston auditions.
Episode 4: The auditions have now moved to Minneapolis. Host Nick Cannon announces that Pierce Morgan is stuck in a blizzard and Howie gets up and cheers, lol. First up tonight, 32 year-old Sarah Huff and her singing parrot Echo. Sharon thought it was incredible. Howie wanted to know if there was more, they both gave a yes, the couple is off to Vegas.
Some other acts that made it through: Mrs. Smith and her electric guitar, St, Lukes Bottle Band, The Halls of Magic.
Jazz/Blues & Rock singer, 27-year old, Lys Agnes. The song she choose an opera Hallelujah. Sharon said she did not expect that, she has goosebumps. Howie said she was absolutely stunning, she surprised everyone and Pierce would love her as well if he were there; it’s off to Vegas.
Variety Act, Those Funny Little People dancing to Ice Ice Baby. Pierce called it one of the most pathetic things he has ever had to sit through. Howie said they scared him because he doesn’t like furry things that walk around, but he is giving them a yes because it was interesting. Pierce gives a no and Sharon loved the uniqueness, she gives a yes. The Little People are off to Vegas.
Here are some hopefuls that were given the boot: Gasmask 90 seconds, Ms. Cherries Jubilee and Sid Yiddish.
Folk Singer/Song Writer Walt Winston who recorded 28 albums and has 70 number one hits. Pierce said no. Sharon said it wasn’t a million dollar act for her. Howie follows suit, no ticket to Vegas for the Truck Drivers Aren’t Supposed to Cry singer.
38 dancing kids, The Silhouettes. Howie called it an amazing original concept – he loved the story. Pierce said it was the most amazing thing he has every seen. Sharon said it was absolutely intoxicating. Three yes votes and a trip to Vegas for this troupe.
The last contestant is The Kinetic King, the greatest creator of chain reaction gadgets; Dominos on a grand scale. Howie loved it, Pierce said it was definitely impressive, Sharon was impressed and this strange guy is off to Vegas.
Come back next Tuesday and Wednesday for more recaps.