Last week on America’s Next Top Model Dayla, 21, from Clearlake, Texas was sent home, eight girls are left. Alexandria continues to be annoying I am hoping she goes home tonight. This week supermodel Sonia Dara is a guest judge and the models pose for a mud-covered photo shoot.
So without further ado let’s start with tonight’s recap! When the girls got back to the house Tyra was there and the girls were excited. Molly is upset about the weave because she has a rash. The other girls’ think she complains too much. Tyra is telling her weaves do that and they are going to remove it. Tyra is teaching the girls about archetype, how to have boundaries with your fans and how to sign an autograph. The girls are choosing what archetypes they are bombshell, girl next door etc.
They have removed Molly‘s weave and she is happy. Monique is annoyed because Hannah won best picture of the week. They get Tyra mail that says “tomorrow you will have a real following.” They are having an autograph signing contest. The winner of the challenge will have dinner with Miss Jay at an upscale restaurant. People are meeting the girls and asking for autographs and one man asks Monique for a kiss and she responds “I can’t kiss you but Alexandria will” Whoops Miss Jay did not look impressed by that comment. Alexandria is not happy when the man comes up to her and tells her but she kissed him on the cheek anyway.
Miss Jay tells Alexandria that she should never have let him kiss her because that could get her a stalker. The winner of the challenge is Kasia and she chooses Brittani and Jacyln to go with her. They are going to an upscale restaurant and Miss Jay is speaking to them about the business. When the girls got back from the restaurant it was clear Monique was not happy and caused a lot of tension in the house. She tells Jaclyn she is irritated and wants to win a challenge.
The girls get new Tyra mail that said “Oh the tangled webs we weave.” The girls are assuming they are going to be tangled in something. When they get to the photoshoot at Smashbox studio they are introduced to their photographer Jonathan Mannion. The girls are told they are posing almost nude in mud. They are posing in groups the blonds and the brunettes.
The Blonds – Kasia, Alexandria, Molly, Hannah – Molly and Hannah are owning the shot they sold it to Mr. Jay. The panel loves Hannah’s shot and think she looks stunning. Molly’s pic they think is gorgeous. Alexandia is trying to direct the shot and Mr. Jay got annoyed with her. Alexandria’s pic they felt it was a little posed and her pics were not consistent. Kasia they loved her pictures. Overall they think the blonds were fantastic.
The Brunettes – Monique, Jaclyn, Brittani, Mikaela – Monique would find a moment that would be great and then all of a sudden gone. She has a great look but her body is not following. Brittani was doing great – great energy and breathing life into it. The panel felt Brittani was a standout and the star of the picture. Mikaela was hit and miss. They feel she is the weakest link. Jaclyn the panel thinks rocks the picture, she is stunning. The panel thought overall they worked together well.
When the girls got back to the house they all bitched and complained about Alexandria. The girls think she should go home. They think she has not changed and is still trying to control and direct everything.
They are going to panel
First girl called & Best Picture – Brittani and her picture will be displayed in their home.
Runner Up for best photo – Kasia
The bottom two are Monique and Mikaela