American Idol 2011 – Top 11 Recap and Who Was Eliminated

Our guest blogger, Rosie, from Fit Fab Celeb, provides us with a recap of tonight’s episode of American Idol.  Tonight two people will be eliminated.  Take it away Rosie!

Last week, the judges used their only SAVE on Casey Abrams and that now leaves us with two going home tonight. Did Casey redeem himself enough with America to allow him to continue on his Idol journey? Fit Fab’s bottom two prediction: 1. Naima Adedapo, who we can’t stand and want to go back to cleaning her toilets where she belongs and the whole pretend Jamaican accent ticked us off. 2. Stefano Langone, he is just plain annoying and pitchy.

 Ryan Seacrest opens the showing telling the Idol hopefuls that there is no more saves – it is all up to America.

Lauren Alaina and Scotty McCreery sing a duet, I Told You So by Randy Travis. Loved it, got all warm and fuzzy with Scotty’s sweet country voice and he did sing better than Lauren. Seacrest calls the two right over to the middle of the stage to announce that they both are safe for another week.

Again, what would an Idol night be without a boring FORD commercial – this one had a superhero theme and it also sucked.

James Durbin show

Naima Adedapo and Jacob Lusk sing a duo, Solid Like A Rock by Ashford & Simpson. Sadly, they both fell flat. Naima looked ridiculous, ugh, hopefully she goes home and puts us out of our misery! Poor Jacob, the song did not do his powerful voice any justice. Ryan dims the lights, Jacob is sage and OMFG Naima is in the bottom three, thank you America.

Yawn, Fantasia Marino decked in a high slit to the thigh red sequined dress sings Collar Greens and Cornbread.

Haley Reinhart, Thia Megia and Pia Toscano sing Teenage Dream by Katy Perry, then Seacrest begins the results. Pia and Haley are safe, Thia is in the bottom three.

Casey Abrams, James Durbin, Paul McDonald and Stefano Langone sing Band On The Run by Paul McCartney; they did a great job. Tyler says they can open up for Aerosmith next year on tour. Seacrest tells Casey that if he knew how many votes he got he would be proud, he is safe. James turn next, he is safe. Stefano is safe and Paul is in the bottom three with Thia and Naima. WTF, Paul?? OMG, what is wrong with the voters?

Jamie Fox and Will.i.am perform I Wanna Party from the Rio soundtrack, they were hype!

Paul is safe, Naima and Thia are going home.

Rosie Leblanc:
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