Amy Winehouse Back In Rehab Again

Amy Winehouse, 27,  has gone back into rehab again.  Apparently Amy stunned people by stopping on the way to rehab to buy a bottle of Vodka to down on the way.  Sure sounds like she is looking for help, not!  The source said: “She seemed out of it. She was stumbling about, slurring her words.  I was shocked to see her buy vodka so early in the day, and even more shocked to see her knock it straight back.”

Amy has a long history of alcohol abuse and drug addiction and at one point she was in such bad shape it was speculated that she would kill herself with an overdose.  Last night her rep confirmed she is in rehab at London’s The Priory clinic.  He said: “Amy’s embarked on treatment at The Priory.”

Earlier this month she had said she wanted to move to the country with her boyfriend Reg Traviss and have a family.  Maybe she went to rehab to get herself back into shape.  Sad to see her back in it looked like she had gotten her life back on track for a while there!

Image credit to Tony Clark/WENN.com

Kinsley Goldman:
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