Arnold Schwarzeneggar and Maria Shriver married without a pre-nuptial agreement. Consequently, under California law they ought to evenly split the sum of their wealth acquired during marriage. Friday Maria filed for divorce and the division of property is yet to be determined.
Arnold’s worth is estimated at $300 million, while Maria’s is around $100 million. Since the couple has been married for a quarter century and it’s probably impossible to separate what they each had before they tied the knot, it’s likely the entire pot of money will be considered community property.
However this divorce will likely never go to trial – rather It is going to be settled out of court and nothing requires Arnold and Maria to agree on a 50/50 split. What’s typical in these cases of abundant wealth is that there is a lot of wheeling and dealing between the splitting parties – based on preferences. So Arnold might prefer one property and Maria another for example.
Maria’s lawyer is Laura Wasser while Arnold’s is Bob Kaufman and the two will be working out the property settlement agreement for months.
One thing we already know – neither Arnold nor Maria will be applying for food stamps.
Image credit to Nikki Nelson / WENN