Beyonce pulled off a helluva surprise today at a Target in Harlem, and let’s just say she put a lot of smiles on a lot of kids’ faces. The pop sensation appeared at an event that was being held for the Boys and Girls Club. Of course, a whole bunch of dancing ensued. Can you say DANCE PARTY! Wait, why wasn’t CDL invited? *tears* Just kidding, we think it’s so awesome that Beyonce took the time out of her busy schedule to visit her young fans.
Beyonce’s choreographer was teaching the group a dance routine when the singer suddenly walked on stage. The crowd went nuts. Beyonce supposedly stayed at the event for fifteen minutes and, afterward, purchased a whole bunch of her new CDs to hand out to the youngsters.
Way to go, Beyonce! But, seriously, next time invite us to your surprise party, please. Thanks. Check out the video above — the reactions on everones’ faces are priceless!