Boardwalk Empire Season 2 Episode 11 Spoilers

Last night was another exciting evening of Boardwalk Empire.   With only two more episodes left, boo hoo, HBO returns this week with an all new episode called ‘Under God’s Power She Flourishes.’  I wonder if that means because Margaret is getting help from the church Emily will start to improve?

On last night’s episode  Margaret and Nucky received the doctors less than positive news about Emily.  The strike by the blacks was in full swing and The Commodore’s cronies were in a panic.  Rather than negotiate with the strikers they decided to use strike breakers.  The goons not only attacked the strikers but they attacked deputy Ray.  Jimmy made a powerful enemy in Manny and last night’s show came to a shocking and deadly conclusion.  If you missed last night’s episode you can watch our official recap here!

This week’s show promises to be exciting.  Margaret starts to believe that Emily’s illness is the consequences of her sins.   Jimmy is distraught after what happened to Angela.  Jimmy underestimated how brutal Manny was.  Meanwhile Jimmy’s partners in crime  Lucky Luciano, Doyle and the others are ready to move on without him.  The police are looking for Jimmy as well as his mother who does not want people to get the wrong idea.  Eli is standing strong against Esther Randolph and does not want to make a plea deal.  It looks like Nelson Van Alden’s past actions may help Nucky with his case.

Take a look at the video below, it is fast paced and there is a lot happening.  Let us know what you think in the comments below! “Under God’s Power She Fourishes” will air Sunday December 4th, 2011 on HBO.

Robyn Good:
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