Boardwalk Empire Season 2 Episode 12 Finale Live Recap 12/11/11

Boardwalk Empire Season 2 Episode 12 Finale Live Recap 12/11/11Boardwalk Empire Season 2 Episode 12 Finale Live Recap 12/11/11

HBO’s hit series Boardwalk Empire is my favorite television show, if you have not seen it yet, rent it, you will not be disappointed.  Sadly tonight is the finale and I cannot wait to find out what happens but at the same time I am sad to see it end.  HBO returns with an all new episode and the finale called ‘To The Lost.’  Stay tuned as we cover the show with up-to-the-minute details of the show. Last week’s episode was jammed packed with information.  If I disliked  Jimmy’s mother Gillian Darmody before the episode I dislike her even more now.  She really is disgusting.

I do not understand how Jimmy could consider letting her help  raise his son now that his wife Angela is dead.  After all she slept with Jimmy, how long will it take her to sexually abuse her grandson? Her last scene last week, she picks Jimmy’s son and leaves as Jimmy stares at her. She says “one day soon he won’t be a little boy anymore, it happens just like that.” She tells him she is putting his son in bed.  Creepy!!

If you missed the episode you can read our official recap here.  With the show coming to an end this week we have come up with our wish list for the finale.   Take a look at our wish list here!

Episode Synopsis: With Nucky’s trial looming, Jimmy looks to make amends. After weighing an offer from Esther Randolph, Margaret makes a decision that will change the course of her future – and Nucky’s.

There are so many story lines to finish tonight I cannot see them finishing them all up.   I believe they are are going to have Jimmy and Nucky reconcile tonight (my guess).  Jimmy has so many enemies now he is going to have to find someone to have his back.  Manny who killed his wife Angela is after him.  Meyer Lansky, Lucky Luciano and Al Capone have stolen his share of the alcohol and would probably like to see him dead and add to all that Jimmy killed the Commodore.  The preview from this week is full of clues but no answers.

Celeb Dirty Laundry will be live blogging the show tonight at 9PM with up-to-the-minute results.  While you wait for the recap head over to our sneak peek spoiler video for your enjoyment, but it is a spoiler.

Due to bad weather HBO is down in our area.  However, I found another recap for your enjoyment!

Boardwalk Empire Season 2 Finale Recap HERE

Robyn Good:
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