Britney Spears Considering Plastic Surgery

Britney Spears Considering Plastic Surgery

Britney Spears revealed in a recent interview that she would consider plastic surgery in the future to make herself look better.

She admitted that she hates cutting back on calorie-filled foods and said that one day, if the time calls for it, she may even go under the knife.

When asked what her idea of hell is like, she replied, “Being on a diet.”

With regard to any type of surgery, she said, “When it’s time to pull and tuck, I’m sure I will consider it.”

I think she looks just great. As women, we really need to stop beating ourselves and each other up for the way we look. Everyone gets old and has their off days, so let’s never overlook the talent that people like Britney possess. Even when she’s 60 and thinks she needs to have something pulled or tucked.

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