Bye Bye Cord Overstreet – No Glee For You

Bye Bye Cord Overstreet – No Glee For You

Are fans going to be super upset or what? Chord Overstreet, the 22 year old actor who has most recently been playing the character of Sam Evans on Glee (you know, just a little wee known FOX show), will not be returning for the upcoming season.

His character began as an occasional guest star, but soon became a prominent fixture among the Glee misfits. One would assume he’d be returning to reprise his role, however things are not always what they seem.  With most of the Glee cast set to graduate, creator Ryan M urphy has dropped hints of a whole new cast being introduced. Can they really replace Rachel, Quinn and Finn? This, as I’ ve said time and time again, is the high school curse.

I’ ll tell you this folks – I got into the show, grudgingly. I definitely won’ t give it a go with a whole new cast who will no doubt have amazing talent and replicate the original crew. I say leave it as it is, and start fresh but don’ t try to mirror something great. In fact, I’ d prefer they try the whole college route – a la Beverly Hills 90210. I just don’ t have it in me to go through the same trials and tribulations of another highschool group who will undoubtedly mirror its predecessors.

So for now, “Au Revoir Chord” !. I doubt this will be the end of you. As he simply tweeted earlier:

“Well its been a good yr too bad its over, time for summer and starting fresh.”

Well said Chord, well said.

Image credit to Ivan Nikolov/