Casey Anthony Will Probably Not Serve Probation In Florida

Murder Mom, Casey Anthony, will probably avoid serving  probation in Orlando, Florida,  according to her parents lawyer, Mark Lippman.  On Friday the judge in Casey Anthony’s murder trial ruled that Anthony should serve probation in a check fraud case stemming from her 2008 illegal shopping spree while her daughter.  Casey plead guilt to check fraud in the case over a year and a half before her murder case started.

Judge Perry ruled that she had to return to Florida August 26, 2011 to start her probation.  But her parents lawyer Mark Lippman says she probably won’t return to Florida to serve the one year probation.   He explained it is not uncommon to transfer the probation to the state where the person resides.  He said: “Another possibility is that Casey Anthony will be given a type of administrative probation where she will either have the ability to call her probation officer or write the Office of Probation identifying her status for the month.  This possibility allows Defendants to be put on probation anywhere in the world.”

Not sure why she should get special treatment, they should drag her sorry butt to Florida and make her serve her probation.  ughh, no justice for Caylee continues…

Annemarie LeBlanc:
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