CDL Exclusive: Interview with Farah Fath of ‘Dirty Soap’

CDL Exclusive: Interview with Farah Fath of 'Dirty Soap'CDL Exclusive: Interview with Farah Fath of 'Dirty Soap'

Anyone who’s watched ‘Dirty Soapon E! knows it’s incredibly addictive. It has the allure of a soap opera yet manages to be an authentic representation of life in Hollywood. The show offers a genuine look at love and friendship. For this reason, it is far more gripping than most reality shows. Produced by Kelly Ripa and Mark Consuelos, it illustrates the personal and professional lives of daytime soap stars.

One of the show’s standout stars, Farah Fath (‘One Life to Live’), has publicly endured relationship difficulties. This includes a strained friendship with Kirsten Storms (‘Days of Our Lives’) and her wish to marry longtime boyfriend John-Paul Lavoisier (‘One Life to Live’). Her struggles have made her extremely relatable and compelling to watch.

I was fortunate enough to ask Farah about starring in a reality show, her relationship, and the importance of marriage.

J.A: On ‘Dirty Soap’ the chaos of your daily life is aired for everyone to see. Did you have any reservations about doing a reality show?

F.F: Yes of course but the list of pros was a lot longer than the cons. I thought it was a great opportunity for the hard working community of soap opera actors to finally get some main stream attention.

J.A: Do you feel that the show has aided or strained your relationship with John Paul?

F.F: We are fantastic. If anything we’ve learned more about each other.

J.A: You’ve stressed how important marriage is to you. Why do you think that having a legally binding commitment is so important to you and other women?

F.F: Well I can only speak for myself I guess. I want to make it legal with John-Paul for protection. For the potential serious situations in life in which having a husband would be so helpful. If I’m on my death bed and JP is still just my boyfriend, he would have no say in what happens to me and neither one of us would be happy about that. I hate to be gruesome but if JP and I already know we’re going to be together for the rest of our lives, making it legal should make no difference. It only adds positive effects in my opinion.

Tune in Sunday at 10:30/9:30c on E! for the season finale of ‘Dirty Soap’.

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Justine Ashley: