Charlie Sheen’s Family Considering Going to Court To Gain Conservatorship Over Him

Charlie Sheen's Family Considering Going To court To Gain Conservatorship Over HimCharlie Sheen's Family Considering Going To court To Gain Conservatorship Over Him

Cocaine Charlie Sheen who has been binging for the past couple of weeks with hookers, booze and drugs has his family considering going to court to gain conservatorship over him.  Party hardy Charlie has ended up in the hospital several times after abusing his body endlessly.  Furthermore, Charlie has spent a fortune on drugs and porn stars.  His family is very concerned for his health and his well-being and news today that the family may pull a “Britney Spears” on him and try gain control over his personal affairs and vast estate

Radaronline has the scoop:

“Charlie looks awful… he is very, very depressed and feels like the world is going against him. Charlie’s parents are discussing getting a conservatorship of their son. Martin and Janet know that it’s highly unlikely their petition would be granted, but they are trying to do whatever possible to save Charlie’s life.”   “Charlie is coughing a lot, and he doesn’t seem to care what he is doing to his body… Charlie truly thinks he is invincible, and that he can do as much drugs as possible with no ramifications.”

The family, friends and the studio tried to get Charlie into rehab.  He entered rehab and then left yesteday to rehab at home.  Everyone knows there is no such thing has rehab at home.  Charlie has demonstrated such great self control it shouldn’t be a problem for him – ya right!  Charlie does not want to be in rehab he wants to do what he wants to do.  His parents are worried and are trying to do what they can to save him.

Image credit to Agent 47/

Robyn Good: