Christmas Bells Finally Ring For Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber has never had a visit from Santa Claus. The teen idol’s never left cookies and milk out for the big man and his reindeer. Or appeared on a naughty or nice list. So how come he missed out?

My Mom always told me there wasn’t a Santa. She thought if I grew up knowing about Santa then finding out he wasn’t real, that it would be like she was lying to me. And then when she told me about God, I maybe wouldn’t believe her. So she just wanted to be straight-up and honest with me all the time.’

His Mom didn’t even go in for the traditional gift giving. ‘We played a game on Christmas Day where everyone brought a girl gift and a boy gift. You roll the dice and if you get doubles, you get to pick a present and if you don’t, it’s the next person’s turn. Then, the next time you roll doubles you get to choose someone else’s present and switch‘. That’s one way of exchanging presents I suppose.

But now he can play Santa Claus for real and splash the cash and deck the halls. The 17 year old has been known to shower his younger brother and sister with presents. Christmas time is just another excuse to spend the money that comes hand in hand with being a global superstar. And now there’s a rich and famous girlfriend to spoil as well. So what will Selena Gomez get ‘under the mistletoe‘ on December 25?

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Melanie Usher:
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