Conrad Murray Definitely Michael Jackson’s Drug Dealer

Conrad Murray Definitely Michael Jackson's Drug DealerConrad Murray Definitely Michael Jackson's Drug Dealer

Tim Lopez, a pharmacist at Applied Pharmacy Services in Las Vegas, said beginning on April 6, 2009, Dr. Conrad Murray began ordering large quantities of Propofol.

In fact the pharmacist testified that Dr. Murray ordered box after box of the drug in the two months before Michael Jackson’s death.

Murray, who had the drugs sent to his girlfriend’s Santa Monica home where he was living, also ordered boxes of the drug on April 28 each having of the 4 boxes having 10 100ml vials.

Later that month, Murray ordered 20 vials of midazolam and 20 vials of lyricism.

On May 12, Murray ordered 4 boxes of Propofol, along with 2 trays of midazolam.

On June 10, Murray ordered 4 boxes of Propofol, and 2 20ml Propofol

In total Murray ordered 255 vials of Propofol in the two months including 130 vials of Propofol in 100ml doses and another 125 vials of Propofol in 20ml doses.

This is enough tranquilizer to put the whole audience at an Michael Jackson show to sleep.  Clearly Murray was way out of line – this is not the behaviour of a responsible doctor with his patient’s best interest at heart.  Additionally, the responsible person at the pharmacy must be held accountable for not stopping this death march ot at least notifying the proper authorities that Murray was ordering sufficient quantities of powerful and potentially deadly drugs for a hospital!

Dr. Jody Overland:
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