David Letterman Candid About Depression With Barbara Walters

David Letterman Candid About Depression With Barbara Walters

The Star of ‘Late Night With David Letterman’ David Letterman confessed he takes medication to battle depression.   In a candid discussion with Robin Williams and former President Bill Clinton on a Barbara Walters news special Bill discussed his life-saving heart surgery and his clinical depression.

The Late Show host Letterman underwent emergency heart surgery in 2000 and chatted openly with Walters about his feelings of joy following the operation.

Sadly they didn’t last long and Dave sank into a deep depression – leading him to conduct some of the outrageous sexual behaviour with his staff that led some to wonder if Dave wasn’t having some type of mid-life-crisis.

During the chat, Letterman stated, “Depression is a black hole… I’ve dabbled in it.   “There’s a difference in being sad and being blue and being depressed and being chemically or clinically depressed. I do know the difference between those and it’s horrifying.” “Without some kind of medicinal help… institutions used to be full of people who were depressed.”   Asked if he was on medicinal help, Letterman said, “Yes, I’m on medicinal help.”
Good for Letterman for letting people know that if they are depressed and these disabling feelings are not leaving of their own accord then get help.  There are medications today that completely relieve the symptoms of most depressive illnesses in short order.