Demi Lovato Defends Her Weight On Twitter

Disney starlet Demi Lovato was recently treated for an eating disorder. Thankfully, she is perfectly fine now, even though she has commented that it is a daily battle for her.

Now, some low-lives have taken to Twitter to rip on her for putting on a few pounds. Ugh. People, come on. We are in the year 2011, can we please stop treating everyone like they have to be stick thin? She was treated for an eating disorder, so it seems utterly heinous to us that someone would try to take her down for her weight.

Firstly, I don’t see any reason for people to be hating on Demi, she looks great. One Twitter user said, “arms were looking a tad bit chunky”, to which she responded, “Who cares”.

Then, she said, “I’ve gained weight. Get over it. That’s what happens when you get out of treatment for AN EATING DISORDER :)” She followed that up with, “Guess what, I’m healthy and happy, and if you’re hating on my weight you obviously aren’t. :) #UNBROKEN”.

Ashley Greene commented, “girl… your beautiful @ddlovato” and Demi said in response, “@AshleyMGreene this is why you’re my friend.. Thank you girl.”

Exactly! So lay off of her already. Does she really need another trip to the hospital?!?!? On a side note, though, I had no idea that she and Ashley were friends. Small world, isn’t it?

Photo Credit: FayesVision/WENN.com

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