Demi Moore has joined her husband Ashton Kutcher in the race towards public nudity and indecent exposure. Ashton got naked on Ellen DeGeneres’ show and now Demi is flashing her topless self on Twitter. What a couple… .
Demi posted a “topless photo” of herself via Twitpic to her 4 million fans who naturally went wild – polluting the airwaves by retweeting the shot all around this poor planet.
The picture she posted late Thursday night was relatively benign. Taken in front of a bathroom mirror all that is fully in view is her naked back. If you missed seeing her front then you can easily fix that. Since Demi loves to expose herself all you need do is refer back to Vanity Fair in 1991 to see a very pregnant Demi posing nude.
Demi also treated us to some of her brilliant wisdom accompanying the photo with the caption “remember…you’ve got your own back,” Moore, whose Twitter handle is @mrskutcher went on to explain the purpose of her Tweet when questioned by a follower, stating that it was “To remember to be your own best friend to find light & protection from within yourself.” She also agreed with another who claimed “if you don’t watch your own back, why would you expect anyone else to do it for you?”
Nobody ever said that Demi was intelligent, did they?