Do Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart Think They Are Too Good For Their Fans?

Do Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart Think They Are Too Good For Their Fans?

It looks like any fans hoping to get a greeting from Robert Pattinson or Kristen Stewart on the Breaking Dawn set shouldn’t hold their breath – the two ignored and ran pass bystanders March 14, 2011.  Christine K. from On Location Tours in Vancouver tweeted, “I don’t understand the effort Rob and Kristen make to avoid fans and photographers.  I get the privacy but do they get who pays their salary?  Giveback.”

The actors were apparently trying to avoid fans entirely so they jumped straight from the door of their car into the Orpheum Theatre where they were filming.

Christine went on to say, “Even Tom [Cruise] & Katie [Holmes] who are huge stars at least wave and make eye contact and Rob and Kristen run and hide like the fans are horrifying.”  What’s the deal?

Rob and Kristin are not the only ones avoiding fans either, as evidently the entire cast was sulky and ignored everyone after filming ended a little after 8 pm.  Just minutes after Christina made her statement came similar reports from Brazil, where Rob and Kristen filmed the honeymoon scene for the upcoming flick. There, evidently, their lone fan acknowledgement was a brief trip to the balcony of their hotel.

What do you think?  Do Rob and Kristen owe their fans a greeting or are they right to stay private and shut off?  Will any of you stop loving them because you feel unappreciated?

Image credit to Apega/