Eminem Accuses Lady Gaga Of Being A Man In New Song – Audio

Eminem Accuses Lady Gaga Of Being A Man In New Song - AudioEminem Accuses Lady Gaga Of Being A Man In New Song - Audio

Eminem no stranger to controversy accuses Lady GaGa of being a man in his new song ‘A Kiss,’ from his Bad Meets Evil EP Hell: The Sequel.  Eminem has had feuds with  Christina Aguilera; Mariah Carey; Nick Cannon to name a few and of course they have always ended up in on of his songs.  He may be talented but he is a whiny bitch.

The latest celeb to get the Eminem song treatment is Lady Gaga, Eminem drags up an old rumor about Gaga.  Rumors traveled the internet like crazy in 2009 that Gaga was a hermaphrodite.  Gaga came back and said the rumors were ridiculous and she refused to discuss it!    The lyrics of the Eminem song are at the, 3:10 mark in the audio below, Eminem says, “Tell Lady Gaga she can quit her job at the post office, she’s still a male lady.”

Ughh, not funny and old news Eminem!  I wonder how Lady Gaga will respond, will we see a celebrity feud in the future?   Besides this the song is not bad check it out below.  A lot of swearing going on so NSFW.  What do you think Celeb Dirty Laundry wants to know.  Do you like the new song?

Image credit to Owen Beiny/WENN.com

Annemarie LeBlanc:
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