Fear Factor Season 7 Episode 3 Live Recap 12/19/11

Tonight is an all new episode of Fear Factor prepare to watch contestants come face to face with their biggest fears.  Tonight’s episode is called “Tall Cappaccino” and is the third episode of Season 7. Stay tuned as our sister site Fit Fab Celeb covers the show with up-to-the-minute details of the show.

Episode synopsis:  In this special couples themed episode, teams race against the clock as they get catapulted off a building towards a cargo net and must release as many flags as they can. Then the teams struggle to remain standing as one team member lies covered with hundreds of snakes and the other transfers the snakes with his/her mouth. Last, the remaining teams must complete a jet ski to helicopter flag transfer in order to win the $50,000 cash prize.

These stunts are designed to challenge the contestants both physically and mentally. If a player is too afraid to complete or fail a stunt, the player is eliminated. If they succeed, they are one step closer to the grand prize: $50,000.  I don’t know about you but no amount of money would convince me to be with hundreds of snakes… ughhh

Our sister site Fit Fab Celeb will be live blogging the show tonight with all the up-to-the-minute results as they unfold.   Fear Factor Season 7, Episode 3 Recap here!  Make sure to refresh often!!

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In this special couples themed episode, teams race against the clock as they get catapulted off a building towards a cargo net and must release as many flags as they can. Then the teams struggle to remain standing as one team member lies covered with hundreds of snakes and the other transfers the snakes with his/her mouth. Last, the remaining teams must complete a jet ski to helicopter flag transfer in order to win the $50,000 cash prize.

Rosie Leblanc:
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