Gary Shirley Exposes Amber Portwood as a ‘Slut’

It seems that the ‘Teen Mom’ Amber Portwood has slept with “f**king a million,” according to Gary Shirley, the father of her child.

Gary was having one of his telephone conversations with Amber’s cousin Krystal when he said “Amber is sluttish. You’ve been with six dudes, Amber’s been with f**king a million.”   Of course Gary fails to mention anything about how many girls he has been with or why he and Amber hooked up in the first place – he really doesn’t seem to like her very much, but who can blame him!

During the conversation Gary attempts to charm cousin Krystal with such romantic lines as ‘You’ve got things that Amber don’t … ” and then adds in an attempt to get Krystal to come over to his pad ‘If you ever want to piss off Amber, let me know.’  A sure way to any woman’s heart – tell her to sleep with you in order to piss off her cousin!
We are expecting Gary Shirley’s new ‘how to’ book on trailer trash romance to be out soon.

Dr. Jody Overland: