Gerard Butler Ok After Surfing Incident

The 42-year-old Scot, Gerard Butler, has most recently been tackling the role of surfer playing the role of Frosty Hesson in the movie based on a true story “Of Men and Mavericks”.  The film is based on the life of surfer Jay Moriarty, who conquered the Mavericks, a surfing location in Northern California.

And conquer Gerard did.  He was filming a scene on Monday with a few pro-surfers when waves ‘taller than 15-feet’ broke in front of them pulling the actor and his board underwater.

What must have seemed like forever if you’ve ever experienced being dragged underwater before, luckily safety precautions were made and a water safety guard on a jet ski rushed to his aid.  Gerard went to Stanford Medical Center for observation and was shortly released.

Competitive surfer Zach Wormhoudt, who was there with the actor had this to say:

“Everything he was doing was within reason. We took, like; four to five pretty big waves on the head. Basically there’s nothing you can do. It was intense for myself, and I’ve been through a lot out there”

Well there you have it.  Gerard is ok – but will he go back in the water?  I don’t think he has much of a choice in a surf movie!

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Sarah Silverthorne: