Heidi Montag Is Writing A Book?

Heidi Montag Is Writing A Book?Heidi Montag Is Writing A Book?

We’ve already got books by Snooki, who supposedly taught us about love on the Jersey Shore and JWoww who gave us the rules of dating (or whatever that was). Now, Heidi Montag has taken to her official Twitter account to discuss plans for a possible book.

A book on what, you might ask? Perhaps plastic surgery or the idea of famewhoring your way to millions? Well, she’s already done the latter. The queen of idiocy tweeted this, “Thinking about writing a supernatural romance novel. Would you read?”

No, Heidi we would NOT read that mess. Anything you put together is a cloaked ploy to further your own celebrity agenda. If she writes a book about anything, you know she’ll have to do press for it and there will be pictures, quotes and all of that jazz.

The world would not be improved upon by anything that Heidi Montag craps out of her pie hole. Trust me.

Photo Credit: DJDM/WENN.com

Roberta Ferguson: