Apparently you can be a rich billionaire from the fashion industry, and still be as dumb as a box of rocks. Take Jessica Simpson, for instance. Since the dawn of time, she’s been battling pregnancy rumors.
She took to her official Twitter account, to battle the reports. Of course, she decided to sandwich the denial with other stuff. She tweeted, “9 1/2 Weeks is one of the sexiest movies EVER! I’m not pregnant! If you are 25 and over, watch it. SEXY!!!!!!!!!”
Someone really needs to take their ADD medication before hitting Twitter. How messed up is that? She might as well have said, “WATCH THIS MOVIE!! NOT KNOCKED UP! WERDZ, YO.”
At least that would’ve been more intelligent than what she actually said! I guess money can’t buy smarts…that comes from book learnin’, y’all!
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