If She Is Jailed, Friends Of Lindsay Lohan Fear For Her Life

Lindsay Lohan’s friends fear she may not “survive” if she goes back to jail.

Fresh out of her court-ordered 90-day rehab stint last month Lindsay was warned in court Wednesday she will be sent to prison if she accepts a plea bargain in relation to necklace felony grand theft charge. Her friends are concerned that Lindsay will revert to taking drugs because of the stress of the case.

“I’m not sure if she can survive this,” a source said. “She is so terrified and frightened that we all fear her addictions will kick in again to help her numb the fear.”

Lindsay’s rehab stint was part of the punishment for breaching the terms of probation that were set following a 2007 driving under the influence (DUI) conviction and now she is accused of stealing a necklace with a $2,500 price tag from upmarket Californian boutique Kamofie & Company.

Though Lindsay has repeatedly denied the allegation- insisting the item was loaned to her in exchange for publicity – she has been offered a plea bargain deal, in which she is believed to be expected to serve just eight months in jail in exchange for pleading guilty.

Lindsay must decide whether to accept the deal or plead not guilty and take the case to trial by the time of her next hearing, which has been set for March 10.

Lindsay is presently free on $40,000 bail was warned by Judge Schwartz if she pleads guilty or no contest to the charge then he could rule that she is in violation of her earlier DUI order as well – since she is not allowed to commit crimes while on probation.

Lindsay’s parents Dina and Michael supported their daughter at her hearing, despite a restraining order in place banning Michael from going near his ex-wife.

“We just want to be there for her, but to be there with Dina and the kids, to show our support as a family,” Michael said.

“The restraining order is in effect, it’s been seven years and in effect for five more months, but it doesn’t matter. At a time like this when the public needs to see and the court needs to see her family come together for her. Because that’s one of her biggest problems, she has a broken heart and she filled that crack in her broken heart that came from our divorce with all the wrong things.”

“Parents have to put their differences aside for their children.” These are the same sentiments Michael expressed when we spoke during our interview on Wednesday. Sadly, Lindsay may have just gone too far this time and it is likely that at least some jail time is in store for her.

Of course the wise adage says ‘if you can’t do the time, then don’t do the crime,’ but people, and celebs especially, seem to feel they will not get caught – that the law is for other people and that they are special.

Photo Credit: The Media Circuit/WENN.com

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