The Real Housewives of New York City star Ramona Singer is denying the rumors flying around that she is an alcoholic. The reality star has become renowned on the series for always being seen with a glass of Pinot Grigio white wine in her hand, but has insisted that all talk of alcoholism is outrageous.
“Do I overdrink? No. I drink with responsibility,” she told People recently. “I drink with a beautiful dinner. I would rather have my one or two glasses of Pinot Grigio than dessert which is 700 calories.” Sounds like a boozehound to me.
“All I can say is we’re filmed in social events. The other people are drinking,” Singer explained. Excuse making about one’s drinking is one of the sure signs of having a drinking problem. Singer admitted that she can see why people might jump to conclusions about her, but added that it is simply the way that she has been edited on the show.
“I actually said to Bravo, I called them up and I said, ‘Wait, is the storyline so bad you have to make [a drinking] storyline? Because you know I don’t have a drinking problem?'” she continued.
She went on to argue that having being married for 19 years, having a straight-A student daughter and running five businesses should be proof enough that she isn’t an alcoholic. “I cannot even be a functioning alcoholic if I had all of this stuff going on,” she added. ‘It would be impossible.”
The above reasoning is a hilarious – and false – Winston Churchill ran a good portion of the planet and he was a functional alcoholic.
Will Ramona’s next stop be ‘The Real Housewives of Dr. Drew?’
Image credit to Izzy/