Jersey Shore House Arrest for Possession Of A Controlled Substance

You wouldn’t be surprised if any member of the Jersey Shore cast was arrested for drunken, lewd behavior but that wasn’t the reasons someone was arrested at the Jersey Shore house.  Apparently a friend of The Situation was led away in cuffs this weekend after he was arrested for possession of a controlled substance.  The arrest happened at 3AM July 24th, 2011.

Radaronline has the scoopDetective Steve Korman with the Seaside Height Police Department said that Jonathan Manfre, 32, “attempted to get into the MTV house and he came in contact with security along with Seaside Heights off duty security.

“Patrolman Roth found that he was in possession of a controlled dangerous substance, a white powdery substance.”

Manfre who is a trainer  is a friend of the situation and they even produced a workout DVD together.  He was taken to the Ocean County jail he posted $1,000 bail and was released that night.  Check out the video HERE

Annemarie LeBlanc:
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