Odd commercials work and no one can say that Ozzy Osbourne, 62, and Justin Bieber, 16, are not an odd combination. The two appear in a commercial for Best Buy that is said to have cost $4M and appeared today at the 2011 Super Bowl. You have to watch it the commercial is a cut above of the others I saw and definitely stole the show. Sharon Osbourne, Ozzy’s wife also appears in the commercial. The Biebs is said to have been paid $1 Million for the ad.
The funniest part of the video is when Justin says “It’s Bieber 6G fever” Sharon replies “What’s a 6G?” Ozzy says “What’s a Bieber” and then Justin who is in disguise says “I don’t know but it kinda looks like a girl”
Now we all know they censored Ozzy cause what he wanted to really says was “What the FU?* is a Bieber” LOL but the video is still a hoot. Watch it below and lets us know what you think of it?