Justin Bieber & Ozzy Osbourne’s Best Buy Super Bowl Commercial Steals The Show

Odd commercials work and no one can say that Ozzy Osbourne, 62, and Justin Bieber, 16,  are not an odd combination.  The two appear in a commercial for Best Buy that is said to have cost $4M and appeared today at the 2011 Super Bowl.  You have to watch it the commercial is a cut above of the others I saw and definitely stole the show.  Sharon Osbourne, Ozzy’s wife also appears in the commercial.  The Biebs is said to have been paid $1 Million for the ad.

The funniest part of the video is when Justin says “It’s Bieber 6G fever”  Sharon replies “What’s a 6G?”  Ozzy says “What’s a Bieber”  and then Justin who is in disguise says “I don’t know but it kinda looks like a girl” 

Now we all know they censored Ozzy cause what he wanted to really says was “What the FU?* is a Bieber” LOL but the video is still a hoot.  Watch it below and lets us know what you think of it?

Kinsley Goldman:
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