Categories: Kate Hudson

Kate Hudson Gives Birth to A Son!

Kate Hudson Gives Birth to A Son!Kate Hudson Gives Birth to A Son!

Kate Hudson, 32, gave birth to a healthy baby boy this Saturday in Los Angeles. Apparently, the actress was surprised that her child turned out to be a bright-eyed little boy, as she was almost certain throughout the entire pregnancy that the thing cookin’ inside her was a girl. Hudson didn’t want to know the gender of the baby because she wanted it to be a surprise — and a surprise it was!

Hope they didn’t paint the walls pink!

The father is Hudson’s fiancé, 33-year-old Muse frontman Matthew Bellamy. Kate has another seven-year-old son, which she had while with Chris Robinson, the frontman for Black Crowes. Wow, she has a thing for these lead singers. Let’s hope this is the relationship Kate stays in for the long run. This is Bellamy’s first child, and I bet he’s bounding with joy that it’s a boy!

Image Credit to: Apega/

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