Katie Holmes Sues Star Magazine For $50 Million!

Katie Holmes is laying the legal smackdown on Star magazine after they put her on the cover with allegations that she’s addicted to drugs!

The headline of the cover story says, “Addiction Nightmare – Katie Drugs Shocker! — The Real Reason She Can’t Leave Tom” along with a picture of Katie looking depressed. Inside the magazine, there is no supporting evidence that she’s addicted to anything of the sort. But the cover of the magazine is bad enough!

She has since brought a $50 million lawsuit against the publishers of the magazine, American Media Inc. The lawsuit stats, “Katie has no intention of leaving her husband, and is not prevented from doing so by any drug addiction.”

Her attorney said, “Star Magazine’s malicious claims about Katie are untrue, unethical and unlawful. Not only do they cruelly defame Katie, they play a cheap trick on the public, making ridiculously false claims on the cover unsupported by anything inside.”

He added, “Someone should bring a class action to get all buyers their money back.”

It’s on now! I don’t blame her for suing them, this is what happens when you print lies!

Roberta Ferguson:
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