Lady Gaga doesn’t just do Yoga in Taiwan, she also struts around with beehive hairdos in Singapore. Sorry, Amy Winehouse, we’ve found someone better/classier to pull off the look. Mother Monster had her turquoise hair all done up for a press conference she gave while in Singapore promoting her new album.
L. Gaga also wears — as you’ll see if you watch the above video — a nude-colored Snuggie thing. Sort of a weird outfit but, really, what do we expect from her? I honestly don’t think people would know what to do if she showed up to an event wearing jeans and a T-shirt. She’d probably lose 12 125,000 Twitter followers. We like her for her crazy. We like her for her oddness. We like her for her Gaga-ness.
Reporters asked about her new album and what she has planned for the future, etc. Regarding the “Edge of Glory” video, she says:
“I wanted to create my sweater set of a video. I wanted to make something that was truly indicative of how I feel right now in my life . . . I had a fire escape outside my teeny tiny apartment in New York and I used to put on all my clothes and I would go out on the fire escape and I would dance. So I had this whole elaborate video planned for [the video] but once I got out on that fire escape and danced in that one outfit I realized that it was time to just have a moment of acknowledgment for myself as a 25-year-old who’s been working so hard from the bottom up my entire life.”
Have you seen the “Edge of Glory” video? Do you like it? Make sure to watch the interview above and tell us whether or not you support her newest fashion situation.
Video Courtesy of: YouTube