Categories: Lady Gaga

Lady Gaga Launches Drunk Diet

Lady Gaga Launches Drunk DietLady Gaga Launches Drunk Diet

Lady Gaga is on the drunk diet!

It’s no wonder why she’s been wearing all of these loony outfits! She’s buzzing off of the booze while she picks out her wardrobe! Now it all makes sense!

In a new interview with the Sirius Morning Mash Up, Gaga said that in addition to exercising, she also has a strict diet that she adheres to. She said, “I am on the drunk diet. I live my life as I want to, and creatively. I like to drink whiskey and stuff while I am working. But the deal is I’ve got to work out every day, and I work out hung over if I am hung over. And it’s about the cross-training and keeping yourself inspired. I have to say, I do a ton of yoga.”

Whatever works for her, we guess! But that seriously can’t be a healthy way to live!

Photo Credit:

Roberta Ferguson:
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