Lady Gaga Talks About Amy Winehouse’s Death On The View

Lady Gaga joined the ladies of The View today and was her usual intricate and graceful self.  I never tire of her, not just because of her crazy fashion sense or her plethora of creative endeavors – but because she speaks from the heart, she’s honest, and she doesn’t take her success for granted.  She recognizes her vulnerability, and appreciates all in which she has.

She confessed to the ladies this morning how sad she was over hearing the news of Amy Winehouse’s untimely passing.

“I’m just so devastated and so sad. I really couldn’t speak for like 48 hours straight, I was in such shock, I think the most unfortunate thing about it all is the way that the media spins things, like we can learn from Amy’s death. I don’t feel that Amy needed to learn any lessons. I felt that the lesson was for the world to be kinder to the superstar. Everybody was so hard on her, and everything that I knew about her was that she was the most lovely and nice and kind woman.”

Another comment she made sadly really made sense when you relate it to Amy’s rocky path with drug and alcohol addiction.

“You know, you can’t have it both ways. You can’t enjoy listening to someone sing sad songs about the blues and heartbreak and then not expect them to be truly heartbroken.”

Well put Gaga, and all to true.  I suppose you can’t have it both ways, so at what price do you pay for success, while slowly peeling away who you really are layer by layer until there’s nothing left?

Amy suffered for it and couldn’t dig herself out of her spiraling troubles.  Her autopsy results as to the cause of her death are still pending.

Image credit to Three Kings/WENN.com

Sarah Silverthorne:
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