Lindsay Lohan Plays With Counselling Order

Hollywood’s favorite mean girl, Lindsay Lohan, is still playing games with the court. Last month she really pissed off Judge Stephanie Sautner by claiming that she was struggling to come up with the dough to pay for her court-ordered counselling.

Part of Lindsay’s most recent sentence was to participate in a shoplifters’ alternative course along with counselling. Can you believe what a farce this whole celeb justice circus is? And we, the voiceless taxpayers, foot the bill… while Lindsay laughs.  The judge threatened to revoke her probation if she didn’t get registered for the course and begin by Thursday, August 11.

Degenerate Lindsay was given a year to complete 480 hours of community service along with the shoplifters course and counselling after pleading no contest to allegations she stole a necklace from a Venice, California, jewellery store.

Lindsay’s well-paid attorneys submitted legal documents on August 3 to prove she has enrolled in treatment. Somehow Lindsay must have found the money.

Image credit to WENN

Dr. Jody Overland:
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