Lindsay Lohan Tells Celebrity Rehab Dad Michael ‘Stop Talking About The Family’

Lindsay Lohan has broken her silence about her father’s recent behavior, issuing a statement to condemning Michael Lohan for his big mouth and for talking about her publicly.
Lindsay’s statement left no doubt that after a long stretch of silence about her father’s media presence, she strongly disapproves and wants him to shut up about the entire family.  “I am sorry that my father has continually chosen to speak publicly about our relationship, my mother, my siblings, and my professional team,” Lindsay said in her written statement.
“I am working through my recovery day-by-day and find his public media bouts unnecessary and damaging.”

Her statement comes just after the news that Michael will be appearing on Celebrity Rehab.   Michael claims he has beaten his drug addictions so how does he come to be a guest for Dr. Drew?  Anger management!  Michael has anger management problems – his temper get out of control and bad things happen.
Lindsay returns to court on Thursday, March 10 on her felony grand theft case, and Michael has been vocal about that situation — and more.  Father and daughter spent time together in recent months and the Mean Girls star, 24, has been mum on her father’s actions.  Michael has told the media his main priority is keeping Lindsay sober and bringing the family back together – yet Lindsay feels his behavior is having the opposite effect.

And this is not the first time the 24-year-old has had issues with her father.  While in rehab it became apparent that, “Lindsay blames a lot of her problems and issues on her dad,” a source close to her said.  “His name came up constantly,” the source said. “Lindsay has a lot of unresolved feelings and anger towards Michael.”

Imagine how Michael can sound off once he enjoys the bully pulpit of the popular TV show – Celebrity Rehab.  Lindsay and her mom Dina would pay Dr. Drew big money NOT to have Michael on the show

Image credit to WENN.com

Dr. Jody Overland:
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