Lindsay Lohan To Build Privacy Fence So Sam Won’t Spy

When Lindsay Lohan beat feet out of rehab at the Betty Ford Center, she was curiously seen moving in right next door to the girl that she’s been stalking, ex-girlfriend, Samantha Ronson. A strange coincidence, no?

At least that’s the tale that Lindsay was trying to spin. Still, she said that to avoid any issues with the ex and for the sake of peace, she would move to another residence. Now, this is the funniest part — she wants to build a privacy fence so that Sam won’t snoop!!!

I’m still dying in fits of laughter here. FITS. OF. LAUGHTER. Radar Online has more:

Lindsay Lohan wants to build a fence so new neighbor and ex-lover Sam Ronson can’t “spy or see” what’s going on inside her rehabbed actress’ beachside home, RadarOnline.com has exclusively learned.

But it’s a peace offering, don’t you see????

Since Samantha was so uber ticked off that Lindsay moved in, she’s trying to play nice and build the fence so that Sam feels better about her new neighbor. A source said, “It will give both of them some space and privacy, and it will ensure neither of them can see or spy on each other!”

Roberta Ferguson:
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