Lohan Family Rep Smashes TMZ Over Leak Of Dina Lohan’s Memoir

Lindsay Lohan was definitely being sold down the river in her mother Dina Lohan’s prologue to her memoir being shopped around to publishers and literary agents recently. As we reported earlier today Dina promised all the dirt on daughter Lindsay in order to entice publishers to bid and bid high on her memoir.

Now a rep for the Lohan family just issued a statement, appearing to take issue with TMZ’s leak that Dina Lohan is pitching a book around town. But the facts show that the rep is wrong or even just plain lying because what TMZ is saying is the truth.

The rep says:  “Dina has not written a book yet and has not signed with a publisher.”

That statement is true but Dina definitely written a prologue – which has been seen – and she is trying to shop it around to literary agents.

The rep continues:  “If and when that happens, her book would certainly show the utmost compassion for her children.”

That statement is certainly false if the book is to come out with the current prologue intact – since in it Dina exposes her daughter’s drug and alcohol problems.

The rep concludes with the following fiction:  “Right now her focus is on the well-being of her family.”

WeIl that last line can only be true if the well-being of Dina’s family includes having Lindsay’s dirty laundry draped all over town… .

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