Magazine Admits They Photoshopped Kate Middleton To Look Thinner – Photo

UK Magazine Grazia admits that they Photoshopped the Duchess of Cambridge Kate Middleton to look thinner in her wedding dress on their cover.  They initially called bulsh*t on the claims but after Britain’s Press Complaints Commission investigated and found out the truth they decided to come clean and admit it.  However they did have an excuse according to the magazine they wanted to feature only Kate on the cover and when they Photoshopped Prince William out of the picture it resulted in a thinner waist for Kate.

In explanation Grazia said: This involved mirroring one of the duchess’s arms and an inadvertent result of the change was the slimming of her waist…we did not purposely make any alterations to the Duchess of Cambridge’s image to make her appear slimmer, and we are sorry if this process gave that impression.”

Are you buying this?  I am not at all the magazine got caught and they had to come up with the best excuse possible it sounds like bullsh*t to me.  Shame on you Grazia!

Annemarie LeBlanc:
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