Mariah Carey Splashes Out Tons Of Cash On Nursery

Mariah Carey Splashes Out Tons Of Cash On NurseryMariah Carey Splashes Out Tons Of Cash On Nursery

Mariah Carey’s twins better spit gold and poop glitter like Kesha, because their nursery is being set up and it’s fit for a king!

Reportedly, Mariah has turned into an epic diva and has lavished a metric ton of cash for the nursery for her new babies. She’s said to have spent a whopping £800k on the nursery! Nothing but the best for the spawn of Mariah Carey!

A source said, “Mariah and Nick have converted a whole wing of their Beverly Hills house into a luxury nursery. Mariah wanted 18-carat gold trim, with ivory walls, soft furnishings and walk-in wardrobes full of Petit Tresor designer clothes. There’s a top-of-the-range sound system and they’ll each have diamond-encrusted iPods and a flatscreen TV that comes down from the ceiling.”

Now Magazine has the scoop:

The twins will sleep in Chelsea Sleigh cribs, £1,390 each, while Mum and Dad relax in Glam Glider chairs at a knockdown £1,420. And there’s a Clara changing table, worth £1,780.

‘Mariah and her designer Kenneth Bordewick are overseeing every detail,’ ?says our insider.

‘There’s ?a $1 million red-crushed velvet, 24-carat gold and onyx sofa used for Michael Jackson’s shows. It’s very Alice In Wonderland, with swags of silk on the back.

‘It might seem over the top, but Mariah has waited ?a long time for her baby dreams to come true and ?she says the twins will be ?the most spoilt kids on ?the planet.’

Wow. It must be nice!!! But then again, we knew that she was going to be over the top with this, right?

Photo Credit: A. Miller/

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