Categories: Brett Favre

Masseuse Amanda Oswald Comes Clean On Her Work With Brett Favre – Sexual Harassment?

Amanda Oswald was hired by the New York Jets to do massage work on Brett Favre for a day in 2008 and she confirmed that Favre sent her a text message soliciting her for a sexual encounter after the massage session.

But unlike two other masseuses who are currently suing Brett and the Jets for sexual harassment, Amanda says that Brett dealt with her rejection of his sexual advances reasonably.  Oswald won’t be pursuing a sexual harassment case against the NFL star because she doesn’t feel Brett violated her rights.
Christina Scavo and Shannon O’Toole are seeking unspecified damages from Favre, the Jets, and a Jets’ massage coordinator claiming they were subjected to sexual harassment – and subsequent job discrimination after they complained about the harassment. 

Oswald explained to sources that after Favre sent a text asking for a private session with ‘bad intentions’ she texted back informing him she wasn’t game for anything sexual.  Favre replied, ‘OK’ and never pursued the matter, according to Oswald.
Oswald adds, ‘I do believe it was inappropriate – I can’t say I was being harassed.’ 
We suppose Brett’s behaviour is open to some interpretation – certainly many would label Oswald’s entire experience as qualifying as ‘sexual harassment.’  When Brett’s behaviour towards Oswald is taken in context with his alleged behaviour with Christina and Sharron it is nothing but sexual harassment.
Maybe the NFL should restrict Brett to massages by males?

Dr. Jody Overland: