Mel Gibson’s Lawyers Fight To Save Him From Criminal Charges?

55 year old Mel Gibson’s criminal lawyer Blair Berk is said to have headed to court today to Los Angeles District Attorney not to charge Mel with domestic violence and abuse against Oksana Grigorieva the mother of his daughter Lucia.  The Los Angeles District Attorney met with Berk for over two hours at the courthouse.

Radaronline has the scoop:

Law enforcement sources connected said before the meeting, that it was almost inevitable that Gibson, 55, would be charged.    A charge of domestic violence/corporal injury involving a former cohabitant is looming for the Oscar-winning actor/director, sources said.

It can be prosecuted as a felony or misdemeanor.   If convicted of a felony, Mel could face up to four years in state prison; if convicted of a misdemeanor, he could face up to one year in county jail.

While Berk made her bid, multiple sources, all with intimate knowledge of the situation, said the District Attorney had made its stunning decision in the last few days to prosecute the award-winning movie star.

If Mel abused and was violent to Oksana then more evidence than her testimony must exist.  If this evidence exists and is brought to the attention of the District Attorney then a whole gang of lawyers will not be able to prevent Mel’s prosecution.

Robyn Good: