Michael Jackson Suicide? – Dr. Murray’s Defence Claim

Dr. Conrad Murray’s defence plans to show that MJ was in a weakened state during previous the tours “Bad” and “Dangerous” and required a doctor to accompany him during the rehearsals and tours.  Apparently people say Jackson was frequently “dehydrated, medicated, and sleep-deprived.” 

The defence’s argument is that MJ became very dependent on sleep inducing drugs at these times and since the final “This Is It” tour had dozens of dates added, Michael was under immense pressure and really afraid that he would fail and let his fans down.
What the defence plans to say is that since Michael was so distressed and burned out from preparing for the concert tour, he became desperate for sleep and had become dependent on Propofol – and when Doc Murray left Michael’s room he woke up and took the fatal dose of Propofol himself because he was “fearful and frustrated.”   
This is equivalent to the defence claiming that Michael Jackson committed suicide, either intentionally or accidentally.
Well – we think that if Doc Murray procured, prepared, and left available Propofol for Michael to take a fatal dose then Murray is as guilty as if he gave it to Michael himself. 
The fact that Doc Murray clearly allowed and supported Michael’s use Propofol – a drug which the manufacturers say should neither be used outside of a hospital nor without an anesthesiologist present (since the drug is so deadly dangerous) means that Dr. Conrad Murray is a guilty as sin.  At very least Murray the moron should never practice medicine again – if a pilot decided to go to sleep during a landing and the plane crashed would he ever fly again?
If Dr. Conrad Murray escapes his trial for manslaughter with the right to practice medicine anywhere in America then the American Medical Association and the legal system are seriously flawed. 
Just like registered sex offenders, if Doc Murray is by some miscarriage of justice allowed to continue to practice medicine, he should be forced to post a sign on his wall saying “THIS DOCTOR KILLS PEOPLE ACCIDENT LY.”  
In fact wouldn’t it be a nice idea if all Doctors had to clearly post their records of patient success and any serious mistakes they have made so we consumers could shop intelligently?

Dr. Jody Overland:
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