Michelle Pfeiffer Speaks Openly About Plastic Surgery

Michelle Pfeiffer Speaks Openly About Plastic SurgeryMichelle Pfeiffer Speaks Openly About Plastic SurgeryMichelle Pfeiffer, 53, admits she would consider having a little nip-and-tuck if she felt she needed it but has blasted people who go too far claiming they make her “uncomfortable”.

She explained to Elle magazine: “I’m all for a little something here and there – fine. It doesn’t matter to me if people have plastic surgery or they don’t, or if they do Botox. But when people don’t look like themselves anymore, that’s when you kind of go, ‘Oooh,’ and it’s kind of sad. It’s uncomfortable for us, but if they’re happy with what they see in the mirror, does it matter?”

However, Michelle’s opinion is much different from a number of Hollywood stars who have recently blasted the entertainment industry’s obsession with youth.

Emma Watson said: “I do worry about the expectation to look a certain way. I find LA quite scary because of that – all those young people having plastic surgery. But the thing is, I don’t want to look like everyone else.

“I don’t have perfect teeth, I’m not stick thin. I want to be the person who feels great in her body and can say that she loves it and doesn’t want to change anything.”

While Dame Helen Mirren has said: “The only thing I don’t like on young people is plastic surgery. The purity of youthful beauty is so fantastic to me that it’s horrific when young girls get fake things.”

I think Michelle is refreshing a lot of celebs who are claiming the hate plastic surgery have also had botox and other things but are lying about it.  They are really not fooling anyone.  i.s. Madonna

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