Miley Cyrus Adds To Her Body Art and Gets A Forth Tattoo

Miley Cyrus Adds To Her Body Art and Gets A Forth Tattoo

“Can’t be Tamed” singer Miley Cyrus, 18,  just added a fourth tattoo to her personal collection of body art.   Miley’s successful attempt to get more trashy was visible on a recent walk she took in Hollywood.   The newly minted adult – 18-year-old Miley – wore a loose-fitting white top through which her newly-coloured-in ribcage could be seen.

The tattoo is the latest in her collection which includes smaller pieces dotted around her body.   On the little finger on her right hand she has a heart, in her right ear she has the word ‘Love’ and under her left breast is the phrase ‘Just Breathe.’
Late last year footage emerged of the Miley smoking the psychedelic drug salvia in a bong on her 18th birthday.   Miley is just so profound – recently voted worst influence on children in America – on AOL’s poll – we can rely on her to continue her descent into sleaze.  What do you think of Miley’s tattoos?

Related: Miley looks like she wants to eat Ashley Greene’s head!