Miley Cyrus Chubs Out And Defends Her Curves

Miley Cyrus has definitely put on some weight but she seems cool with that. And why shouldn’t she be proud of her curvier appearance? Does everyone have to look Angelina Jolie or Demi Moore?

The former ‘Hannah Montana’ star was criticized after sporting a new curvier shape but Miley – who is dating ‘The Hunger Games’ star Liam Hemsworth – has taken to Twitter to hit back at her detractors.

Posting a picture of an emaciated woman whose ribs were visible, she wrote: “By calling girls like me fat, this is what you’re doing to other people.  I love MYSELF & If you could say the same you wouldn’t be sitting on your computer trying to hurt others.”

Miley then tweeted a picture of curvaceous blond bombshell Marilyn Monroe and wrote that men – including Liam – prefer curvy women.

She said: “Proof that you can be adored by thousands of men even when your thighs touch.  I don’t wanna be shaped like a girl. I LOVE being shaped like a WOMAN & trust me ladies your man won’t mind either ;)”

Miley’s close friend 19-year-old Demi Lovato, who was treated for an eating disorder last year, supported her pal on the micro-blogging website.

She tweeted: “god I love you. SO DO YOU!!! And whoever called you that has it coming. ps SO proud of you for posting that! #curvesareBEAUTIFUL.”

Miley replied: “AMEN. I will destroy any one that calls you the F (fat) word. You have the SEXIIIESTTT curvyyyy body! I LOVE IT! Werk those curves.”

Good for Miley – there is far too much attention paid to other people’s ideas of the ideal female form. We pay lip service to diversity in our politically correct society so let’s not slam any female celeb who gains 10 pounds.

Image credit to Fame Pictures

Robyn Good:
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