Octomom Nadya Suleman Is A Bad Neighbor

Octomom Nadya Suleman’s neighbors are calling foul for her living in their neighborhood for two reasons. One — they say she’s loud with the cops as frequent visitors — and the fact that she’s likely to be bringing down property values!

According to reports, her neighbors have become accustomed to the loud noises, screaming kids and police sirens — all of which are a result of Nadya and her bunch living on their street. They say that she is disrupting the community as well as damaging the property values on their homes.

TMZ reports:

One person told us, “We continuously hear kids screaming and crying and fighting.”

Another neighbor told us they’re constantly being woken up at 6AM by the sounds of screaming children … when Octo lets the kids go outside to “play” with no regard for the noise.

As for the cops, we’re told the constant police presence is becoming a nuisance … in fact, neighborhood locals — even children — are often subjected to ID checks simply to gain access to streets around Octo’s home.

But perhaps the most significant complaint — neighbors have been informed by real estate agents that living near Octo could LOWER the value of their homes … because they would have to disclose the fact that she lives close by.

I would go nuts if my neighbors were anything like this nut job. They should continuously file noise complaints until something gets done with this twit. It’s not like they asked for her to live in their neighborhood AND not know how to handle the 14 kids that she CHOSE to bring into the world. Right?

Roberta Ferguson: